Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction in Mumbai, India

Bothered because of the physique of the body? Searching for a virtually painless body sculpting along with moderate skin tightening of any of the body parts?  Seeking for a minimally-invasive procedure to spot-treat fat deposits and reveal a toned body?

Re-define the body shape and be an original with one-of-a-kind, incredibly popular, precision body sculpting- the VASER Liposuction in Mumbai performed at Designer Bodyz by Dr. Parag Telang!

What is Vaser Liposuction?

VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction is an FDA-approved, state-of-the-art liposuction technique that works on ultrasound technology. It is a low-impact body sculpting treatment performed by a licensed and trained healthcare provider or plastic/cosmetic surgeon. Some people refer it to as Lipo Selection.     

How Does VASER Liposuction Work?
VASER liposuction technique works on cavitation technology to selectively and gently separate the extra lodged fat cells. It makes use of pulsating ultrasound energy to thermally break apart only the targeted fat deposits and then remove the dislodged fat cells through a cannula via vacuum suction. 

The vibrating ultrasound probe loosens the fat cells and helps emulsify the tumescent liquid (a saline solution mixed with a local anesthetic) that has been filled into the treatment area before using ultrasound energy. It has a good reputation for body sculpting as it helps in the disruption of the attachment between the fatty tissues and the muscles underneath without hurting any other healthy structural tissues. One can visit Designer Bodyz, plastic surgery clinic in Mumbai to fetch the benefits of body contouring surgery and redefine the body shape.

Ideal Candidates for VASER Liposuction

  • Men and women who wish to get rid of stubborn fats from certain body parts and achieve a slim, aesthetic physique. 
  • People who want to add definition to their treated site without considering it as a treatment of obesity for weight loss. 
  • Individuals who maintain a healthy lifestyle and have stable ideal body weight. They must hold realistic expectations from the results of the procedure.  
  • Healthy individuals with good skin tone as well as solid muscle bulk and seeking skin tightening in specific areas following a natural weight loss. 
  • Gynecomastia patients- men who suffer from enlarged male breasts.
  • Adults who are prepared to follow pre and post-treatment instructions.
  • Anyone who wishes to lose a few inches around their waist, thighs, stomach, or hips.  

Ideal Candidates for VASER Liposuction

VASER liposuction is not recommended for

  • Smokers
  • Pregnant or lactating women
  • Obese people
  • Anyone who has earlier suffered from deep vein thrombosis, immunodeficiency disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, or bleeding disorders.

To know more if one is an ideal candidate for VASER liposuction one can consult, Dr. Parag Telang, body contouring surgeon in Mumbai at Designer Bodyz.

Pre-requisites for Vaser Liposuction

  • Avoid intake of any blood-thinning medications 2 weeks before the procedure. 
  • Do not consume alcohol the night before the procedure. 

What to expect?

Prior to the VASER liposuction procedure, the targeted site is cleansed properly and the site is precisely marked. Photographs may be clicked by the provider to compare with the after-treatment results. 

During VASER liposuction in Mumbai at Designer Bodyz, the candidate can expect to be under general anesthesia usually when multiple areas are targeted at a time. Firstly, the treatment area is injected with a medicated solution/tumescent liquid) to make the fat removal process easier and more comfortable. The surgeon then makes an incision in the area to be treated to insert the ultrasound probes. Through these probes, ultrasonic frequency waves are delivered into the fatty tissues of the treatment site to liquefy the accumulated fat without damaging other bodily tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. Lastly, the separated fat is eliminated from the body through aspiration with a thin cannula or vacuum suction.  

Following the procedure, the candidate would be provided with sterile dressings, as the treated site will weep out fluids in the next 2 days. Also, a compression garment must be worn by the candidate for several weeks to reduce post-operative swelling. After the treatment, the skin retraction must be controlled and managed with proper care to achieve the best aesthetic result. As the treated site settles into its modified form, the results become evident in about 3-6 months or even longer for some candidates.   

Post-surgical care/Post-treatment instructions for VASER Liposuction

  • Drink adequate water to flush out the anesthesia effect from the body. 
  • Do not ignore follow-up visits with the provider. The follow-up care would include systematic lymphatic drainage massage for the initial two weeks. 
  • Complete the course of prescribed antibiotics and painkillers to recover soon from the treatment. 
  • Take at least a week off from work. Refrain from any strenuous physical activities for a couple of weeks. 
  • Maintain healthy lifestyle habits. 

FAQs About Vaser Liposuction in Mumbai, India

What are the targeted sites of VASER Liposuction?

The body sites treated by VASER Liposuction include:

  • Chest/Breasts.
  • Upper back.
  • Arms.
  • Jowls, Neck, and Chin.
  • Thighs and Hips.
  • Stomach and Waistline.
  • Buttocks.
  • Knees, Calves, or Ankles.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with VASER Liposuction?

VASER Liposuction is a safe procedure. However, like any other treatment, there are some side effects. The common side effects are:

  • Pain and aching at the liposuction site. 
  • Slight bruising and bleeding in the days following the treatment.
  • Persistent swelling days or weeks post-procedure.
  • Scarring following healing from liposuction.
  • Loose skin that does not thoroughly adhere to the new physique. 
  • Asymmetry, Hyperpigmentation, and Skin irregularities like sagging, dimpled, and wavy skin.

In the days after the procedure, it’s important to look for signs of infection. Seek immediate medical attention if any of the following is experienced after VASER liposuction:

  • Fever.
  • Shortness of Breath.
  • Yellow or Green Discharge.
  • Exhaustion or Fatigue.
  • Vomiting, Nausea, or Dizziness.

What are the benefits of undergoing VASER Liposuction?

  • VASER liposuction is performed to remove stubborn fat deposits from localized areas of the body (including the hard-to-treat areas). It allows for more precision in the process of removal of fat as compared to traditional liposuction. 
  • Unlike traditional liposuction which focuses only on the removal of large fat deposits, VASER liposuction helps contour and tone the body by removal of the small visible fat deposits and revealing underlying muscles. It leaves all other important tissues intact. It is gentle enough to treat delicate areas of the body and powerful enough to eliminate large build-ups of body fat. Therefore, in small impactful ways, it can help refine figures. 
  • With VASER liposuction, men can achieve chiseled abs or 6-pack abs and women can achieve an hourglass figure.
  • It is a minimally-invasive, virtually painless procedure associated with faster healing because of comparatively less tissue damage and impact on the nerves and blood vessels. This advanced technology provides less pain, swelling, and discomfort post-treatment, and less downtime. The results can be noticed in as early as one week. 
  • It is effective in fat removal from fibrous tissue and even removal of cellulite areas which is not possible with traditional liposuction. 
  • In a single procedure, it can be used to treat multiple targeted sites.  
  • Along with the removal of undesirable fleshy and flatty tissue, it even boosts collagen production which makes the skin firm, smooth, and refreshing.  
  • Compared to traditional liposuction, it provides surgeons with less fatigue and allows the candidate to have enhanced skin retraction.

Does VASER Liposuction provide permanent results?

VASER liposuction is meant for the removal of diet and exercise-resistant fat deposits that are the result of genetics and help enhance the body shape. The desired results can be maintained for a lifetime if the candidate is committed and persistent in leading a healthy lifestyle. The candidate must regularly exercise and have a healthy, balanced diet with less of calories to maintain the sculpted appearance provided by the treatment. 

How long does it take to recover from VASER Liposuction treatment?

The candidate is usually asked to go back home on the same day of the procedure. As the procedure is minimally-invasive, the recovery is short. Typically, it can take a minimum of 2-3 days to return to a normal state. The recovery timeline may vary from person to person depending upon the areas that are being treated and the extent of undesirable body fat. VASER liposuction does not have any such harsh implications but to get over the initial side effects of the procedure like swelling, bruising, and numbness in the treated areas, the candidate can expect to wait for about 3 weeks after going through the procedure. 

Interested in undergoing this body contouring procedure and want to know more about the VASER liposuction cost in Mumbai, book a visit now with Dr. Parag Telang at Designer Bodyz. 

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Monday to Saturday : 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM | Sunday Closed.


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